eldh.co blog

Check republic

May 06, 2013

I heard about this really cool app framework that was supposed to change the way we make web apps. It is called Meteor, and when I started reading up on it I felt I needed to try it. So I decided to make this little app I’ve had in my head for a while.

I almost never use todo apps for organizing my work. I use them for shopping lists, packing lists, reminders and to store ideas for blog posts. And one thing that annoys me about todo apps is that they assume that I want to do each thing just once. For a lot of use cases, that’s not true. Often you want to do a list of things many time.

Enter Check Republic. It’s a simple app for making check lists.

It’s really minimalistic, and it’s not feature complete yet, but I like it. I’d love for you to try it and tell me what you think.

Anyway. The reason I did this thing was mainly to see if Meteor is anywhere near as awesome as I hoped.

It is.

Meteor is in its early stages, and there are bugs. But it feels like the future. Having the same language for front-end and server is one thing (node will give you that), but with Meteor you have the same API throughout your app, both front-end and server. Meteor handles all the client-server communtication for you, it handles routing, resource bundling and a hell of a lot more. Templating is painless, so is deployment. It feels pretty much like magic. If you’re into web development at all, you should at least look at the screencast.

Written by @eldh